Tom Gordon raises shoplifting and retail crime issues in Parliament

Following a number of businesses highlighting the issue of shoplifting to Tom through the Harrogate BID, he raised the issue in Parliament this week. Tom asked the Minister what action she and the Government were taking to encourage and support police forces to work with local communities and organisations to help with cracking down on shoplifting.
The Harrogate Business Improvement District (BID) and Chamber of Commerce have both raised the issue of shoplifting to Tom, which has increasingly become more of an issue across the country. Unfortunately, following years of budget and numbers cuts, the police rarely have the resources to prosecute shoplifters or even investigate cases.
Since being elected, Tom has founded the Harrogate Town Taskforce, to help bring together the police, the council and other stakeholders in the town centre including the BID and Chamber of Commerce to facilitate discussion of issues and coordination.
The Minister responded to say that she was working with police forces to increase cooperation with local communities, organisations and businesses to help reduce shoplifting. Tom also raised concerns that shoplifting was increasingly being carried out by criminal gangs.
Commenting, Tom said:
“It was great to raise the issues facing Harrogate and Knaresborough businesses this week. Shoplifting is a scrouge, and potentially very damaging for businesses and our town centres. It is especially worrying that criminal gangs are getting involved, only increasing the pressure on our businesses.
“I’m working with the business community, including the BID and Chamber of Commerce, and the police, to crack down on shoplifting in Harrogate.
“It’s vital that we bring together all the stakeholders in our town together to tackle this issue. I’m glad to have been able to help facilitate that through the taskforce, and look forward to further collaboration to ensure Harrogate remains open for business.”